Nine Sols True Ending Guide

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This Nine Sols True Ending guide will do exactly what it says on the tin. There is a specific threadline that has to be followed in order to complete the game’s secret ending which I will be explaining here. Nine Sols is an action, roguelike, 2D platformer that has been a hit over on Steam.

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Nine Sols True Ending

To start with you will have to buy some poison to bring to Shennong who will give you abandoned mine tokens. Give Shennong the poison, rest, and return in order to actually receive the tokens.

Then using the tokens go to the abandoned mine and get to a village held captive by Lieguan. Defeat Lieguan to free the village and return once again to Shennong.

By going to the galactic dock the Shaman should ask you for an antidote, this involves going underground and defeating a Yellow Snake and taking its venom to Shennong who will make an antidote for you to bring to the Shaman.

Next step is to talk to someone named Shuanshuan who won’t be available until you give Shennong every type of poison available, rest after giving the last poison before going to Shuanshuan.

Go back to the Galactic Dock after talking to Shuanshuan and fight off the enemies to save the Shaman and Shennong. After this, go and complete the GimmiGimmi achievement by finding every artefact in the game.

You also then have to find the three secret Murals. Two can be found in the eastern Grotto of Scripture with the other in the west. Defeat the boss and go back to the Grotto’s west after beating the boss and finding the three murals to obtain the Rhizombic Bomb.

At the end of the game when speaking to Kaifu, choose the option of wanting to heal the Apemen. Defeat the final boss and you’ll use Kaifu’s Rhizomatic Arrow this time in order to get the game’s true ending.

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That is all for this Nine Sols True Ending Guide. Did we omit anything? Is there any other Nine Sols content you’d like to see? Be sure to chime in and let us know.

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Alex Richards, Site Manager
Alex Richards, Site Manager
A wrestling fan since the age of 3 and a gamer since even earlier Alex Richards brings lifelong experience and passion for both mediums to his writing. He aims to cover the Joshi wrestling scene and Irish wrestling scene better than anyone else and loves to analyze sales charts over at Last Word On Gaming
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