Rabbit and Steel Classes Guide

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This Rabbit and Steel Classes guide will detail the unique abilities of each class and how to unlock them. Rabitt and Steel has released on Steam to a strong reception from fans of bullet hell/action games.

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Rabbit and Steel Classes Tips



  • Swift Cut – Deals 100 damage twice, 15% chance of resetting defensive cooldown
  • Knife Juggle – Deals 5 damage 3 times to targeted enemy from range, if your defensive has 5 seconds or less remaining on cooldown, it resets immediately
  • Assassinate (special) – Deals 250 damage, deals 30% more if the target is facing away from you
  • Shadowstep – Vanish for 3 seconds and gain invincibility, erases nearby projectiles

How to Unlock

  • Base character unlocked by default



  • Twirling Dance – Deals 60 damage twice to the right and left, charges secondary
  • Falling Petal – Deals 50 damage twice in a radius around targeted enemy, charges primary
  • Lily Blossom (Special) – Deals 350 damage to large radius around you, 30% chance of resetting when primary and secondary are used
  • Golden Grace – Gain brief invincibility and grant all allies WARCRY for 5 seconds, erases nearby projectiles

How to Unlock

  • Base character unlocked by default



  • Dimi Life – Deals 120 damage in a small radius near target
  • Lat Life – Places down a field dealing 120 damage to enemies inside it, lasts 12 seconds and can deal damage 6 times per enemy per use
  • Summon Spirit (Special) – Summons an ethereal ally that fires at your target 4 times over 12 times, deals 120 damage each time
  • Nature’s Blessing – Erases nearby projectiles, grants immunity to allies and you briefly while also granting FLUTTERSTEP for a random time

How to Unlock

  • Base character unlocked by default



  • Full Moon – Deals 220 damage in a large radius around you
  • Dark Wave – Deals 60 damage in a line, charge primary and special
  • Spinning Leap (special) – Grants brief invulnerability and leaps to a target, dealing 280 damage, can only be used twice
  • Shadow Barrier – Places down a dark field that negates damage to allies, grants brief invincibility and erases some projectiles

How to Unlock

  • Base Character Unlocked by Default



  • Dimi Moonburst – Deals 200 damage to a small radius, slows movement after use
  • Lat Moonburst – Deals 120 damage to a moderate radius, charges special
  • Astral Swirl (Special) – Deals 280 Damage to a large radius, cooldown has 30% chance to reset after Dimi Moonburst
  • Astral Seal – Erases projectiles, briefly invulnerable, places down a magic field for 7 seconds

How to Unlock

  • Base character unlocked by default



  • Deals damage to an area in front of you, hits twice if you have DARKSPELL
  • Siphon Spell – Deals damage in a moderate radius near your targeted enemy, this twice if you have DARKSPELL
  • Magicked Fleche (Special) – Deals damage to a line in the direction you face, hits twice with DARKSPELL
  • Novi Dark – Gain brief invincibility, erase projectiles in a radius around you, deal damage to enemies, applies HEX to enemies, hits twice with DARKSPELL

How to Unlock

  • Beat Scholar’s Nest on at least hard difficulty
  • OR beat 20 stage bosses



  • Arrowshot – Fires an arrow dealing damage, has to cooldown if you miss
  • Rabbitsnare – Deals damage and inflicts SNARE-X to enemies in a radius around you
  • Barrage (Special) – Fires multiple arrows
  • Careful Aim – Gain brief invincibility and a small boost to movement speed

How to Unlock

  • Beat the King’s Arsenal on at least hard difficulty
  • OR Beat 8 stage bosses



  • Flame Hook – Deals damage to a line in front of you
  • Quick Jab – Deals damage multiple times to enemies directly in front of you
  • Fury (Special) – Deals damage to all enemies, makes you BERSERK, and charges primary
  • Footwork – Gain brief invincibility and take rabbit leaps in the direction you’re moving

How to Unlock

  • Beat the Red Darkhouse on at least Hard difficulty
  • OR Beat 30 Stage Bosses



  • Spear Thrust – Deals damage multiple times in a line in front of you
  • Lat Holy – Hurls a magic ball forward that will explode near target
  • Novi Holy – Deals damage in a large radius around you, erases projectiles in a smaller radius, does not have cooldown
  • Roll & Phalanx – Gain brief invincibility and a big boost to movement speed, after some time you stop and raise a shield which grants invulnerability to allies nearby

How to Unlock

  • Beat the Churchmouse Streets on hard mode at least
  • OR Beat 40 Stage Bosses



  • Strike Command – Fires a mid-range blase
  • March Command – Comands pet to jump towards your target and deal damage
  • Abyssal Call (Special) – Commands pet to unleash its true power dealing damage multiple times to enemies within a large radius
  • Project Command – Commands pet to jump to your side and defend, erases projectiles and makes you briefly invincible

How to Unlock

  • Beat Emerald Lakeside on at least hard difficulty
  • OR beat 50 Stage Bosses

Read More: The Planet Crafter Achievements Guide (1.0)

That is all for this Rabbit and Steel Classes Guide. Did we omit anything? Is there any other Rabbit and Steel content you’d like to see? Be sure to chime in and let us know.

Read More: Crow Country Achievements Guide (Xbox/Steam)

Check out the rest of our tips & guides to find our other builds and tips for games across all genres including NBA 2K, MLB: The Show, Smalland: Survive the Wilds, Demonologist, and a lot more.

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Alex Richards, Site Manager
Alex Richards, Site Manager
A wrestling fan since the age of 3 and a gamer since even earlier Alex Richards brings lifelong experience and passion for both mediums to his writing. He aims to cover the Joshi wrestling scene and Irish wrestling scene better than anyone else and loves to analyze sales charts over at Last Word On Gaming
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