Dragons Dogma 2 Thief Build Guide

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This Dragons Dogma 2 thief build guide will detail everything you need to make the best thief possible by maximising the strengths of that particular character. Dragon’s Dogma 2 has been one of the major releases of 2024 so far despite receiving a mixed reception from the good folks on Steam.

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Dragons Dogma 2 Thief Build Walkthrough

A thief’s main attacks will come via their daggers, they allow for quick attacks without overcommitting so you have time to dodge. By maxxing the attack damage you do these daggers can become lethal regardless of the opponent.

Skills & Augments

  • Skull Splitter: This is pretty widely agreed to be an essential skill for any Dragons Dogma 2 Thief Build. It’s a mid-air attack that can do more damage the higher up you leap from.
  • Cutting Wind: A very effective move that allows you to dash with blades exposed dealing slash damage in the process
  • Gut and Run: This allows you to…well gut and run. It can deal a lot of damage to bigger enemies when they’re prone and allows you room to escape. It can also be used against easier enemies who are near death
  • Formelss Feint: The ultimate Thief Skill, Formless Feint enables you to dodge all attacks when activated at the cost of Stamina. If used properly this can turn the tide of absolutely any battle.

With the high stamina needs of the Dragons Dogma 2 Thief Build, the best Augments to get are ones that benefit stamina:

  • Subtlety: Lowers the chance of being detected by foes which is essential for any thief really
  • Vigor: Reduces stamina cost when pinning down or clinging to enemies
  • Gratification: Slightly regains health when you kill an enemy
  • Verve: Adds 30 strength
  • Endurance: Increases the maximum stamina
  • Zeal or Avidity: Depending on the player one of these two should be your final Augment. Zeal reduces stamina cost of weapon skills while Avidity helps you climb quicker


  • Dagger – Heaven’s Key
  • Ring 1: Ring of Tenacity (essential)
  • Ring 2: Ring of Quickening (essential)
  • Head: Confidant’s Hood
  • Chest: Enshadowed Battle Garb
  • Legs: Arena Breeches
  • Cloak: Warbler Capelet

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That is all for this Dragons Dogma 2 Thief build guide. Did we omit anything? Is there any other Dragon’s Dogma content you’d like to see from us? Be sure to chime in and let us know.

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Check out the rest of our tips & guides to find our other builds and tips for games across all genres including NBA 2K, Persona 3, Smalland: Survive the Wilds, Football Manager, Cities: Skylines 2, independent titles, Steam hits and a lot more.

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Alex Richards, Site Manager
Alex Richards, Site Manager
A wrestling fan since the age of 3 and a gamer since even earlier Alex Richards brings lifelong experience and passion for both mediums to his writing. He aims to cover the Joshi wrestling scene and Irish wrestling scene better than anyone else and loves to analyze sales charts over at Last Word On Gaming
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