Brotato Chunky Build Guide

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This Brotato Chunky build guide aims to get you through an entire run using the Chunky character.  Like every other archetype, this one comes with its own pros and cons that have to be worked around in order to succeed. In this guide, I will be detailing how to build on its strengths and minimise its weaknesses.

Read More: Brotato Builds List

*Note: The content in this article is accurate as of the time of writing and does not account for any future updates to the game*

Brotato Chunky Build Guide

Character Type

The Chunky character is one of the first that you can unlock with a wide range of status effects that can completely sway a run. On the positive side, Max HP mods receive a 25% boost and you get +1% damage for every 3 Max HP you gain. You can also receive +3HP from consumables.

As for the negatives, there are some major ones. The Chunkster gets -100% life drain and HP Regeneration mods have a 50% reduction in effectiveness, dodge mods are also limited to 50% while speed mods are completely wiped out at -100%.

This is certainly an interesting one, the character is something of a damage sponge but it can’t regenerate or move around all that well. Working around this will be a real test of a player’s mettle.


The weapon of choice for this build is the rock. These are easy to build up and you can get to a full set of 6 fairly quickly. Blunt weapons like the rock are the best ones to go with for a run like this so stick to rocks or other blunt weapons.


Increasing luck is a good way to make enemies drop more consumables which can increase your HP given the Chunky character’s status effects. In addition, it is useful to increase Max HP as it will increase your damage-dealing capabilities.

Boosting armor can also make it tougher for enemies to kill you, giving you more time to get consumables and regain HP.


The best items to use are ones that make and kill trees so they drop consumables. Consumables will be what make or break a Chunky run as they are your best resource to stay alive so getting as many on the field of battle as possible is essential to victory.


Winning with a Brotato Chunky build will unlock the Potato Thrower 2. It has a low cooldown, 500 range, 20 knockback and has a decent chance of dealing critical hit damage.

Read More: Brotato Ranger Build Guide

That is all for this Brotato Chunky build guide. Did we omit anything? Is there any other Brotato content you’d like to see from us? Be sure to chime in and let us know.

Read More: Brotato Brawler Build Guide

Check out the rest of our tips & guides to find our other builds and tips for games across all genres including NBA 2K, MLB: The Show, Smalland: Survive the Wilds, Demonologist, and more.

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Alex Richards, Site Manager
Alex Richards, Site Manager
A wrestling fan since the age of 3 and a gamer since even earlier Alex Richards brings lifelong experience and passion for both mediums to his writing. He aims to cover the Joshi wrestling scene and Irish wrestling scene better than anyone else and loves to analyze sales charts over at Last Word On Gaming
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