Following last week’s announcement that Bush Hockey League is finally making its way to Nintendo Switch, we can now let you know that the puck will be dropping on April 14th.
Bush Hockey League Confirmed Release – April 14th
Rough and Tumble
If you’re looking to get in some old school rough & tumble hockey action before playoffs start this spring, then look no further, as BHL (not to be confused with the NHL) contains all the thrown elbows, hard checks, and bare knuckle brawls you can handle. Of course the actual fundamentals are here too.
This new version of the game has tighter controls & timing, faster animations, and tweaks made to the core gameplay design to make for a more enjoyable time out there on the ice. You can now gain powerups that let you hit harder, deke faster, or goon out your opponents to get them to throw down their gloves and start fighting, wearing them down so you can sneak in some goals. Helping all that along is how the team at V7 have sharpened performance up to ensure that BHL runs as smooth on the system as freshly surfaced ice.

Old School Action
Aggressive hockey is back in town! Experience hockey the way it was meant to be played in this old-school arcade-style 5v5 hockey game where blood on the ice is just another day at the rink. 70s afros, big mustaches, no helmets, dirty hits, bench-clearing brawls, goalie fights, stick fights, knockouts, injuries, ref abuse, and locker room language – Bush Hockey Leaguehas it all! Win the bouts to fatigue your opponents for good and gain a clear advantage to score goals and win the hockey game. Better yet, injure most of your opponents and you will win the game by way of a forfeit. That’s Bush Hockey League – I went to a fight the other night, and a hockey game broke out!
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