Cat Quest 3 Puzzle Stone Guide

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This Cat Quest 3 Puzzle Stone guide will help you deal with all 12 of the game’s puzzle stones so you can earn your rewards with ease. An adventure game like this is chock full of secrets so cutting some time where you can will make for a smoother playthrough. Cat Quest 3 has just come out on Steam and it has been met with a positive reception from players.

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Note: The content in this article is accurate as of the time of writing and does not account for any future updates to the game

Cat Quest 3 Puzzle Stone Walkthrough

Long Island Stones

There’s four blue stones at each side of a small island, you have to hit them in the correct order from 1-4 based on the number of stones at their base. The correct order is down, up, left, right.

Straits Island

There are six stones in total on this island with a green tablet found at the bottom of the land with the words anti-clockwise on it. This means you have to hit the crescent alignment of stones in a counter-clockwise pattern which starts at the bottom of the island and goes up.

You have to shoot the stones and sprint between them because you’re on a time limit.

Purvana Puzzle Stone

Again there are six stones to deal with. Each has a Roman numeral underneath. If you talk to the watchcat at the watchtower it will tell you the correct sequence is II, V, III, IV, I, VI. Hit the stones in that order to complete the puzzle.

Purvana Puzzle Stone 2

On the eastern side of the island is your next Puzzle Stone task. This time the trick is to hit them in order from shortest to tallest.

Code Island

South of the infinity tower you’ll see Code Island and with it is another circle of stones. Again, each one has a Roman Numeral but unlike the Purvana one this is straightforward and you just have to hit them in order from 1-5.

Sandy Island

Back to a 4 stone puzzle this time around. This time you have to actually hit all 4 at once instead of hitting them in order, using the flamepurr spell you have to stand at one side and cast to try and hit them all in a row.

Polaris Ruins 1

There are three different stone puzzles in these ruins. The first set are almost right at the entrance and again you’re asked to hit them all at the same time. Instead of the flame spell you’ll have to use the Lightwisker this time to make an orb and centre it between the four stones to hit them all.

Polaris Ruins 2

In the room next to the last set of stones you’ll find your next challenge. This has the same solution as Sandy Island so the flamepurr spell will allow you to hit all three stones at once and complete the puzzle.

Polaris Ruins 3

This puzzle sees 5 stones partially spread out, one on the right path, one on the left and three ahead. Generally the idea is to hit them all within a quick timeframe so shooting the ones off to the side before flamepurring the three ahead of you should get the job done.

Sunset Islands 1

There’s an island to the east of the mountain with 5 stones on it. The island is very small and gives no indication of what order to hit the stones in. On the opposite side of the mountain there’s a similar island which displays five rocks with roman numerals under them.

These numerals provide the order to hit the stones in on the main island back east. To save some time the correct order is: Second stone from the bottom, bottom stone, top stone, stone below it, middle stone.

Sunset Islands 2

At the 8-bit castle beach is the last of the small stone puzzles. The stones are spread out across long beach stretches and are marked by roman numerals in the correct order to hit them. The main issue is hitting them within the allotted time as you have to navigate between the beaches. You may need to use your gun to close distances and make the most of your time.

Large Puzzle Stones

The last puzzle isn’t set to one location it spawns the entire map. There are large puzzle stones located throughout the map and they also have to be hit in the correct order to complete the puzzle.

Mage Bonney is the key to learning the pattern as you have to complete the Lost and Found, and additional side quest to get her to part with the key information.

Once you complete all of that Bonney will tell you the correct order for the stones as: Pawt Purvanna, Lovepurr, Sunset, Twilight, Furgyy.

With that, this Cat Quest 3 Stone Puzzle guide is complete as you’ll have gained all 12 rewards and cracked the code for the big stones.

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That is all for this Cat Quest 3 Puzzle Stone guide. Did we omit anything? Is there any other Cat Quest 3 content you’d like to see? Be sure to chime in and let us know.

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Alex Richards, Site Manager
A wrestling fan since the age of 3 and a gamer since even earlier Alex Richards brings lifelong experience and passion for both mediums to his writing. He aims to cover the Joshi wrestling scene and Irish wrestling scene better than anyone else and loves to analyze sales charts over at Last Word On Gaming
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