Manor Lords Burn Field Guide

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This Manor Lords burn field guide will explain what happens when you burn a field and whether or not its worth it for you. Manor Lords has released over on Steam to huge success and has received a largely positive response from city building fans.

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*Note: The content in this article is accurate as of the time of writing and does not account for any future updates to the game*

Manor Lords Burn Field Tips

So burning a field will do as you might expect, it will spread and kill off any remaining crops. This won’t have any averse effects on the soil or the surroundings that I have seen.

Why would you do this? Well it can be useful to use the burn field option if you’ve for a few worthless crops left on the field and want to start the cycle over again or leave the fields to fallow instead of waiting for a small number of crops to come in.

Burning the field itself won’t improve soil fertility but you can work on the field after it is empty and improve its fertility by letting animals graze on it and leaving it fallow.

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That is all for this Manor Lords Burn Field guide. Did we omit anything? Is there any other Manor Lords content you’d like to see? Be sure to chime in and let us know.

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Alex Richards, Site Manager
Alex Richards, Site Manager
A wrestling fan since the age of 3 and a gamer since even earlier Alex Richards brings lifelong experience and passion for both mediums to his writing. He aims to cover the Joshi wrestling scene and Irish wrestling scene better than anyone else and loves to analyze sales charts over at Last Word On Gaming
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