Exoprimal Game Modes

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Capcom’s Exoprimal has released to a pretty mixed reaction over on Steam. The online action game centered on dinosaurs has a lot to offer upon its official release but that is where we come in. This is our attempt to run down the Exoprimal game modes to explain what each one offers to players.

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Exoprimal Game Modes Explained

Data Key Security

This is a fancy name for a capture-the-flag-styled game. Your team has to retrieve the oppositions data key and return it to your base to win. Not only are you being confronted by the enemy team but you’ll also have to deal with dinosaurs.

Dinosaur Cull

Dinssaur Cull sees you tasked with killing a specific dinosaur, to draw it out you will have to start by defeating smaller hordes of enemies until it draws out the big guy.

Dinosaur Survival

This is the big boy of the game. It is the mode that Capcom has sold the game on. It is a mission-based game mode which can be done as PvP or PvE with two teams of five squaring off in a bid to attempt objectives before the other team.

What makes this mode more interesting is sometimes it is fully team vs team where you square off as rivals to win while other times will make the two teams work together to beat a bigger and stronger enemy.

This has been advertised as a mode that will offer something different every time you play it, which is quite exciting.

Energy Taker

In this Exoprimal game mode you are tasked with collecting more energy than the other team. You can either acquire loose energy on the map or steal it from hostile enemies by defeating them.

Omega Charge

Omega Charge has quite a twist as you have to defeat a massive dino enemy but it can only be beaten by charging up a special hammer. To charge it you must beat smaller dinosaurs.

Savage Gauntlet

This mode isn’t officially entering the game until July 28 and is essentially a speedrunning mode. Five people compete against each other to get the best clear time for a mission. It will be updated weekly and have rule changes to keep it fresh.

VTOL Defense

In this you have to defend a ship from waves of enemies. It is a standard defend the base mode where you have to fend off hordes of enemies, just until the ship is repaired though.

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That is all for this Exoprimal game modes guide. Is there any other Exoprimal content you’d like to see? Be sure to chime in and let us know.

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Alex Richards, Site Manager
Alex Richards, Site Manager
A wrestling fan since the age of 3 and a gamer since even earlier Alex Richards brings lifelong experience and passion for both mediums to his writing. He aims to cover the Joshi wrestling scene and Irish wrestling scene better than anyone else and loves to analyze sales charts over at Last Word On Gaming
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