Sworn Characters Guide

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This Sworn Characters guide will dive into each of the available playable characters in the game. Succeeding in a title like this relies on using units that match your style of play so I’ll be discussing the differences between them all. Sworn is a pretty new release with a  nice art style and good feedback on Steam from the player base who enjoy the roguelite style of play.

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*Note: The content in this article is accurate as of the time of writing and does not account for any future updates to the game*

Sworn Characters Tips

The Vigilante

The Vigilante is the more standard all-rounder it moves quickly and has a mix between ranged and melee attacks. The Vigilante has spells like Blade Rush, Remote Mine, and Flurry of Daggers to add to the arsenal. A decent choice for people who like options.


Rook is a damage-centric character. It has slower but more powerful attacks with a hammer as the main weapon and a hand cannon for ranged attacks. It has some defensive spells that allow it to survive longer but this is the unit for the hit-first, ask later type of player who likes to take out waves before the wave takes out you.


The Spectre is a powerful spell user, while the Rook can do Melee and Ranged, the Spectre is better with some distance between it and the opponent. The Spectre has useful spells like Spirit Guardians, Mystic Beam, and Dragon Dive to add to the arsenal.


The Monk is interesting. It appears well-rounded on the surface, having equally useful melee and ranged weapons (and by useful I mean equally not good) but its spells like Storm Call and Arcane Shield appear to make it a defensive specialist. The Monk presents a challenge but my read is that it focuses on defense with the variety of weapons allowing you to work on a case-by-case basis.

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That is all for this Sworn Characters guide. Did we omit anything? Is there any other Heart of the Sworn content you’d like to see from us? Be sure to chime in and let us know.

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Alex Richards, Site Manager
Alex Richards, Site Manager
A wrestling fan since the age of 3 and a gamer since even earlier Alex Richards brings lifelong experience and passion for both mediums to his writing. He aims to cover the Joshi wrestling scene and Irish wrestling scene better than anyone else and loves to analyze sales charts over at Last Word On Gaming
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