Valheim Asksvin Guide

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This Valheim Asksvin guide will detail how to find, tame, breed, and use the Asksvin in the game. These lizard-like creatures can be used for easy transport so they are handy to get your hands on.  Valheim is in an extended period of Early Access and still receives updates. It has been well-received over on Steam from those who have played it.

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*Note: The content in this article is accurate as of the time of writing and does not account for any future updates to the game*

Valheim Asksvin Walkthrough

You can find the Asksvin in the recently added Ashlands biome. Once discovered you can tame them by feeding them foods they like. There is another method to attain one which I’ll mention later. The foods they like are Vineberries, Smoke Puffs, and Fiddleheads.

The other way to get one is to loot some eggs and hatch them in the same way you’d hatch a chicken egg.

Assuming you use the food method you’ll need to find a way to keep the Asksvin penned in to be tamed. Stone Walls won’t hold for long so you’ll have to dig down and form something almost like a moat that the lizard cannot escape. Drag it in with a harpoon and drop in the food to fully tame it.

You can then mate Asksvin by getting them happy and well-fed in spacious living spaces. They will then drop a number of related materials like a hide, tail, and bladder.

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That is all for this Valheim Asksvin guide. Did we omit anything? Is there any other Valheim content you’d like to see? Be sure to chime in and let us know.

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Alex Richards, Site Manager
Alex Richards, Site Manager
A wrestling fan since the age of 3 and a gamer since even earlier Alex Richards brings lifelong experience and passion for both mediums to his writing. He aims to cover the Joshi wrestling scene and Irish wrestling scene better than anyone else and loves to analyze sales charts over at Last Word On Gaming
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